

World Wetlands Day

On February 2nd, we marked #WorldWetlandsDay, a day to recognize the importance of wetland...

Webinar: Insurance solutions as a means to finance wetland restoration

Wetlands International Europe, a partner of SpongeBoost, is hosting a webinar on 30 Januar...

SpongeBooster of the month - January 2025

Our fourth #SpongeBoosterOfTheMonth features Bureau Stroming from the Netherlands. Through...

SpongeBoost releases its second newsletter

Welcome to the second edition of SpongeBoost's Newsletter! As 2024 winds down, we’re eager...

A Look Back at 2024: A Year of Progress

And just like that, SpongeBoost's first year comes to an end. Here’s to an exciting and fr...

SpongeBooster of the month - December 2024

The third post in our #SpongeBoosterOfTheMonth campaign features the Institute for Hydraul...

SpongeBoost joins the 5th ESP Europe Conference

Ecosystem services science plays a crucial role in tackling global health and sustainable ...

SpongeBooster of the month - November 2024

The second of our #SpongeBoosterofthemonth campaign features CIREF. Their p...

Open applications for the first edition of "SpongeBooster of the Year" award

The SpongeBoost project consortium invites restoration projects to apply for the "SpongeBo...

SpongeBooster of the month - October 2024

The first of our #SpongeBoostofthemonth features is Deutsche Umwelthilfe. &n...

SpongeBooster of the month - a new monthly social media campaign

We are excited to announce the launching of our newest monthly social media campaign, call...

SpongeBoost is at the 53rd Annual Conference of the German Ecological Society (G...

The 53rd Annual Conference of the German Ecological Society (GfÖ) took place from 9-13 Sep...

SpongeBoost partners are set to host sessions at the upcoming 5th ESP Conference...

The 5th Ecosystem Services Partnership conference is taking place between 18 and 22 Nove...

SpongeBoost is featured by DW in an exclusive coverage on river landscape restor...

This summer, SpongeBoost Coordinator Mathias Scholz appeared in a short video released by ...

SpongeBoost partners attend SERE2024 and visit Estonian demonstration sites

The 14th European Conference on Ecological Restoration (SERE2024) took place in Tartu, Est...