Discover the principles behind sponge measures and their critical role in mitigating floods and droughts across European landscapes.
SpongeBoost’s sister project – SpongeScapes organises their first joint webinar with SpongeWorks "Introduction to Sponge Measures". The event will take place online on 13 February (Tuesday), 11:00 AM CET, and will provide insights into the concept of sponge measures, their role in flood and drought mitigation, and the current state of knowledge on sponge measures.
Speakers on the webinar:
Ellis Penning (Deltares) will present insights from the policy brief "From Drainage to Water Retention: Advancing a Paradigm Shift Towards Sponge Landscapes for Enhanced Climate Resilience", explaining how making soil and water a guiding principle in spatial planning can shape a climate-resilient future.
Benoît Fribourg-Blanc (International Office for Water, OiEau) will share findings from the report "Critical Review of Existing Knowledge on Sponge Functions for Different Climatic Zones, Soils, and Land Uses in Europe", sharing insights on knowledge gaps and recommendations for advancing the development of sponge measures.
Register here to secure your spot.