

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)

The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) has become a worldwide acknowledged centre of expertise in integrated and interdisciplinary environmental research and the development of sustainable land management strategies. UFZ has a strong focus on methodological advancements in the modelling and simulation of environmental systems, both in fundamental and applied research.

Pensoft Publishers

Pensoft Publishers is a SME specialising in academic, open access book and journal publishing, software development and web design, project dissemination and science communication. Pensoft is well known among academics worldwide with its technologically advanced peer-reviewed Open Access journals. The company is actively developing new tools, workflows and methods for text- and data publishing, dissemination of scientific information and technologies for semantic enrichment of an articles’ content. Being an open access publisher, Pensoft can also consult in best practices in open science and open data publishing, while offering expertise and know-how in dissemination of scientific results through special issues in peer-reviewed journals, books and article collections.

Wetlands International Europe

Wetlands International Europe brings together 13 European NGO members from nine European countries, working together to raise awareness about wetland ecosystems and to advocate the sustainable use of wetlands for people and nature, in particular by linking science, policy and practice. All our member organisations focus on certain wetland ecosystems and their biodiversity, giving attention to particular threats, developing and trialling practical solutions and informing policies.

University of Tartu

The University of Tartu is Estonia's largest and oldest university, founded in 1632. It is a strong research university that promotes education and research worldwide. More than 17,000 people work and study at the university. The faculty of science and technology aims to ensure the sustainability of basic and applied science that meets the needs of society. The university is often a partner and advisor to the European Union on research policy to address its global challenges.

Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem

Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (UJEP) was established in 1991, at the time consisting of only three faculties, Faculty of Social and Economic Studies is one of those. Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) is the university research department focusing on environmental issues from the socio-economic point of view. The aim of the IEEP members is the practical use of the results in decision-making processes.

Iberian Center for River Restoration (CIREF)

The Iberian Center for River Restoration (CIREF) is a non-profit association and is linked with the European Center for River Restoration (ECRR) and Wetlands International Europe. Established in 2008, CIREF consists of a group of professionals linked to river restoration in the Iberian Peninsula, coming from universities, authorities, private consultancies and non-governmental organisations decided to promote the CIREF to revert the trend of degradation that these ecosystems undergo at present.

Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA)

The Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) was founded on 25 November 1993. It started as a small organisation mostly focused on birdwatching and research, but over the years it has grown and evolved. Today SPEA is one of the largest environmental NGOs in Portugal. In 1999 they became the Portuguese partner of BirdLife International, an international network of environmental NGOs which acts in over 100 countries. SPEA is recognised as a public benefit entity (“entidade de utilidade pública”) since 2012.

RWTH Aachen University

RWTH Aachen University is a public research university, established in 1870. With more than 47,000 university students and 6000 academic staff, it is the largest technical university in Germany. The Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management is involved in several national and international research projects on flood risk management, coastal engineering, climate resilience, river morphology, hydropower and flood forecasting. The EU is one of the several funding institutions that facilitate these research activities.

Bureau Stroming, NL

Founded in 1989 in the Netherlands, Bureau Stroming is one of the pioneering founders for implementing Nature-based solutions in river systems and therefore contributes to a more natural, more sustainable, and resilient Europe. Bureau Stroming connects people with accessible, natural environments, aligning with societal and economic challenges such as flood risk, spatial transitions, recreation, climate adaptation and ecosystem services

Environmental Action Germany (DUH)

Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. - DUH) was founded in 1975. The organisation is recognised as a non-profit, entitled to bring legal action and it campaigns mainly on a national and European level. DUH fights for the preservation of biological diversity and the protection of natural assets as well as for climate protection. The organisation supports the idea that only energy supplies based on efficiency and regenerative energies, sustainable mobility, the respectful handling of our natural resources and the avoidance of waste will secure life on our planet.