

15 Mar 2024

Providing solutions to restoring the natural water retention function of landscapes: Pensoft joins the SpongeBoost project

Check out the latest blog post of Pensoft Publishers, introducing the SpongeBoost Project. As one of the 10 partnering institutions, Pensoft takes a key role by leading the communication, dissemination and exploitation of the project's findings. Find out about the project's mission, main objectives, and Pensoft's role within SpongeBoost in the blog post.

Pensoft, a globally recognised academic publishing company, is renowned for its innovative tools, processes, and approaches to publishing journals, books, and conference materials. Pensoft is among the partnering institutions within SpongeBoost and serves as the leader of Work Package 5: “Communication, dissemination, exploitation, showcasing best practices and networking”. WP5 will aim to contribute to the project’s mission by building the overall project identity, building a strong network, and providing comprehensive knowledge and well-packaged information to targeted stakeholders.

Since 2003, Pensoft has been actively involved in EU and national research projects related to biodiversity. Currently, Pensoft is a Work Package Leader or dissemination partner in several projects focusing on different crucial environmental topics, including BioAgora (H2020), MAMBO (Horizon Europe), WildPosh (Horizon Europe), B-Cubed (Horizon Europe), and Showcase (H2020).